About the Company

With Over 100 Years of Experience in the Industry, We Are Happy To Advise You On What Equipment Will Work Best For You!

Our staff and partners have over 100 years of experience in the Textiles and Nonwovens Industry. This lifetime of gathering knowledge and cultivating relationships has allowed us to put together a team of industry leaders in Used Textile Machinery.

We have seen the equipment that works and have learned to avoid the machinery that ends up costing money in the long term. When you work with us, we are happy to advise you on what equipment will work best for you and your organization. We can help you avoid the mistakes we have seen others make over the years. We can also help you determine the best way to integrate your new purchase into existing equipment.

We work with specialists in every field of our industry from Spinning to Nonwovens to Recycling. If you have a need to be met, we can help. And if we can’t, we will steer you to a trusted contact who can.

Call or email us and lets get the conversation started.

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